Holdfast — Madeline Irvine — Georgetown Art Center — Visual Culture Caffe

Shannon Moore
2 min readFeb 21, 2022

Holdfast — Dissolving Environments — 2/18/22–3/20/22

Named after “holdfasts” — root-like structures that secure giant kelp forests to the ocean floor, Madeline Irvine’s exhibit celebrates these critical ecosystems that reach 175 ft high and feed young marine life around the world.

Holdfast is also a call to action a plea — with its sub-title “Dissolving Environments” it’s a warning of loss.

Every work of Irvine’s is an intricate constellation of tree-like or jelly-fish-like shapes formed by volcanic salts, inks, sea salts, and/or ash. Each is an opportunity for awareness, as we appreciate the inticate nature of each design and its materials. We find ourselves meditating on the inter-connectedness of these forests that feed and provide oxygen to many — in the face of climate change threats.

Madeline Irvine’s work also evokes East Asian ink paintings on long scrolls, adding to the air of quiet reflection.

How long will the so-called ‘cathedrals of the sea’ hold fast? And how long will we?

Running through Mar. 20, 2022 at the Georgetown Art Center

816 S Main St, Georgetown, TX 78626–5827

Originally published at http://visualculturecaffe.com on February 21, 2022.



Shannon Moore

Senior Taxonomy Analyst at a video game company. Interested in Ontologies, Knowledge Graphs. Freelance Art Critic writing as a hobby.